The Aussies came, great food, many drinks and good company were enjoyed and they left...far too soon. Kat also graced our new kitchen with her awesomeness and helped me experiment with a few new martinis. I still think some of them need to be fine tuned before they make it to our favourites list though. (Kat we have a date during March Break to tackle this project.)
I've been in a bit of a funk since Jules and Graham left us while still in the harsh clutches of winters grasp. I miss Jules a lot and having her on the other side of the planet is just hard to accept some times. I guess this trip really brought home the fact that she has moved on with her life and won't be back any time soon. (Not permanently anyway.) I guess a small part of me was still holding on to the hope that she would wake up one day soon and want to "come home". Damn, I sound like a jilted lover for goodness sake.
Jules is family and I'm glad that I got to meet the man that convinced her to rebuild her life so far from everything that was familiar to her. He's a good match for her. It's obvious that she has finally found a partner in every sense of the word. I'm happy for her...really I am...I'm just a little sad for me. I'll get over it and get on with my life as well. There just seems to be a small void where there wasn't before. Maybe that's just the Winter Blues talking. I hope so. And after all, it isn't as if she is gone from my life...we still connect on a regular basis. I know that she will always be there in a crisis and that she will always share in all of the important events in our lives. She just lives each day 16 hours before I do.
So tell me Jules, how is tomorrow looking? ::smile::
49 minutes ago