My feet are securely back on the ground now, after my initial excitement and elation over my new job. The reality has started to sink in and with it comes the anxiety of "Oh my God, what have I got myself into?".
No one quits a job of seven years without a little trepidation. Last night all that I could think of is"What will happen now?", "Will I be successful at this job?" and "Will I be able to meet the challenges of the new position?"
And then, this morning when I woke up I realized that the reason I was looking for a new job is because life was just too damn predictable. My current position is very comfortable. Every day you come to work and you know just what to expect. When I look at a calendar I can tell you what I will be working on next week or after the second quarter of the fiscal and next March at the year end.
So the reality is that I'm not really sure what I will be doing next week or next month or next year... and isn't that amazing! Life just got a whole lot more interesting.
51 minutes ago