I have been a VERY patient person of late. Do I get a gold star or what?
I recently interviewed for a new job. The first interview was cancelled due to bad weather and rescheduled for two weeks later. When I finally went to the interview it consisted of a one hour interview followed by one hour of testing and then half an hour to write a spur of the moment essay. There were 10-12 candidates
Two weeks later I was invited back for a second interview. This one was only 45 min or so and then I was given a "take home project" to complete and email in a couple of days later. I also had to fill out a consent form for them to check all of my references, do a police check and verify my education. There were only 2 candidates left.
Two weeks later I get a call "inviting me for coffee" with the CEO. I'm told this is a good thing and I am the only candidate that he is meeting with but they still have not confirmed that they are going to offer me employment. I have been reassured that it is not an interview.
I set up the appointment for coffee at our local Starbucks for, you guessed it, two weeks later. So I will meet with the CEO on April 24th and we will see if this long, very involved process is actually going to pan out for me.
The entire process has taken about two months. I have been alternating between excitement strong enough to make me vibrate and angst that I have failed to land this job, that I really, really want.
So the count down begins...only four days to my answer. Cross your fingers for me and GOD help the person who makes me jump through one more hoop before they decide if I'm the person they want for this job.
After all, there is definitely a limit to my patience...as everyone who really knows me, is very well aware of. ::evil smile::
2 hours ago
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